Thursday, December 26, 2013

Do I Worry?

An old song, by the Ink Spots went, "Do I Worry, cause you've lost the spark, do I worry, when it starts getting dark, do I worry - you can bet your life I do". Well, maybe it doesn't matter, but here's what I think.

As Americans, we've had much to be worried about for the last few years. Of all of the problems we are faced with the most frightening to me,  is the possibility of another war and an unimaginable reprise of history - the effort to annihilate the Jewish people. As impossible as it sounds, that threat is there once again. Another tyrant, with a different name, seeks their destruction. The whole world has heard these brave people and their free nation being threatened. A world that had decided long ago, "this should never happen again". Well, it's happening - and Israel needs the world's attention and friends who will help them. And I believe we need Israel's help, as well.

Here in America, there has been much said about whether Iran should be allowed to have nuclear weapons. We have said that Iran will not be permitted  to build any nuclear weapons, but nothing has changed for years. Iran's promise to attack and destroy Israel is not lost on that war-weary country's leader, Bibi Netanyahu. He said that he is prepared to destroy Iran's ability to make a bomb and to harm his people. His nation is quite capable of defending themselves and destroying an armed enemy. 

Meanwhile, there is another side to the Iran problem that seems to escape the attention of our citizens. Despite our government's stated position, the Iranian goal of reestablishing the old Persian Empire, goes unchallenged. The destruction of Israel is the first step in their plan to create a new caliphate by the freeing of the "12th Imam". Their plan is to rid all Western presence and influence from the Arab countries. They envision complete conversion of the world to the religion of Islam.

Maybe it's just me doing too much worrying, but I sense a real danger here. My reason is that most of these Iranian goals are being attained. Now that should be enough to worry everyone. It is happening daily as most Americans remain distracted. Our country is engaged in worrying about things like, who is a Democrat or a Republican; are we a racist country or not; the president's popularity; taxes, health care; controversies about the IRS, the NSA and a dozen others.

Let's just look at what I think is so frightening, and what I think more people should be worrying about. It is the progress that Iran is making, despite the comments by the UN, Israel and the USA. What they pray to their god for is coming true. Westerners and their influence are being removed from Arab countries of the Middle East. Our military is being withdrawn and Jihadist prisoners of war in Guantanamo are being released and returned to their home countries. "Freed" countries like Iraq, Egypt, Libya and Syria are coming under the control of the "Muslim Brotherhood". This represents a significant success in the mission of a new caliphate.

In addition to all of this, Islam has established large populations of Muslims in many other countries. They remain loyal to Islam and not to the nations they now inhabit. With birth rates higher than those of the free nations of the world, they will have a natural path to voting majorities - a major benefit in free countries. The goal of changing the world into an Islamic state will be well on its way.

I worry because nobody seems to notice; because the UN doesn't seem to care; because I don't understand what our president said to the world - and now I'm concerned that what I've said here might be considered slander. If I'm right, I won't have to worry about that.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Trees, Flowers and Other Miracles

As I get older, I'm finding that there are still so many questions that I have not been able to answer. After a lifetime of searching for more knowledge, I'm finding only more questions, and very few real answers. I spent most of my life teaching and explaining many subjects, so it is an uncomfortable irony, indeed, that I now find it necessary to say, "I don't know"  - a lot.

This essay is about one of those things that can't be explained through scientific study - but it's OK - I don't feel alone - scientists, botanists and tree specialists don't know either. People of faith who believe in God don't need an explanation.

Join me in discussing a particular variety of tree called, Norfolk Island Pine. They are not really pine trees, but they are conifers that produce cones. There are several here on the Anna Maria Island. They are easy to spot. They are usually the tallest trees, towering over the palms and others. 


When they begin their growth they are perfectly shaped little Christmas trees. No matter how tall they get, the top remains that shape.

My curiosity has to do with those cones. The tree produces both male and female cones for reproduction of the tree. The seeds come from only the female cones. Questions arise immediately in my mind about pollination. Don't ask me how its done - I don't know. That's troublesome enough, but it is the seeds themselves, that are the real curiosity. 

Most of us are aware that every variety of seed bearing plant, tree or flower has its own way of spreading its seeds so that the species will survive. 

The weed we call Dandelion is cleverly designed to turn its flower petals into wispy little seeds suspended on a fluffy parachute. Somehow it knows about the wind and all of those cute little kids who will blow them off the stem, helping them to spread.

The Maple Tree has each of its seeds housed inside a half wing that knows how to fly to earth. It spins like a helicopter assuring it a wide range of dispersion. 

The annoying Sandspur weed puts each of its seeds inside a small covering with what seem to be the world's sharpest spines. The spine point is also equipped with a small barb at its tip. A passing sheep, cow or human being is easily hooked. We are an important part of the Sandspur's seed distribution process. After a stroll through the yard, many will have attached themselves to clothing, shoes and all. 

The Coconut Palm trees have that very big seed we call the hard-to-open coconut. It's designed to float in the salt water of the oceans. It can float for miles eventually finding a sandy beach where it can lie still long enough to establish a root.

Back to the Norfolk Island pine cones, when the cone breaks open, the individual seeds can be seen and examined. Where other seeds can fly, float or hook on, these seeds do it all! Look carefully. Each seed has a hook (you know why); it has those filmy wings on each side that it uses for flying; and its round boat-like bottom can float the seed for miles.

Questions that I find worth considering:

These Norfolk Island trees first appeared on an island off Australia (Norfolk Island) about 375 million years ago - and they are still around, just as originally designed, unchanged, no evolutionary versions have occurred. Originally designed?

Didn't these seeds need to know in advance that there would be an atmosphere, a gas, available to allow them to fly on? How did they learn about flying, floating and hooking?

Flowers appeared about 130 million years ago. It is still a mystery exactly when. When they did show up, they were each fully developed. Scientists claim that the flower fossil record shows that they arrived all at once. There wasn't enough time for any of them to develop a design through any evolutionary system. They had their reproductive and seed distribution methods all ready to go. Completely designed and ready to bloom and reproduce? What was that question about a chicken or the egg again?

The biggest question of all - How could the trees and flowers all know to design their seed distribution systems with animals and man as participants? Man and the animals wouldn't be around until 245 million years later!

                                             God only knows!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Thanksgiving Awakening

    72 years ago, I learned to appreciate the importance of Thanksgiving Day.

    In the frozen mountains of North Korea, as a young Marine, I did some really deep thinking about God, country and life.

    In my mind, the war had been won. In only two months, the North Korean army that had invaded their neighbors in the South, had been defeated. Life for the South Korean people was about to go back to normal. We had taken our last important objective - the power plant at the Chosin Reservoir. 

    It was late November and we started looking forward to eating our first hot meal that was going to be trucked in to us. We settled back, relaxed and waited for new orders from D.C. It took a few weeks. 

    During that time, Chinese troops had entered the war. They moved large numbers of troops into positions all around us. My group of Marines soon found ourselves surrounded. D
ay and night Chinese attacks began.

    To make matters a little worse, they had cut off our main supply route. A Marine unit is designed to maintain itself only within a 20 mile penetration. Here we were 80 miles up in the mountains with only one road in and out. It took only one Chinese roadblock to stop any equipment or supply trucks heading up to our location. The Chinese commander declared that he would demoralize America by "exterminating" its strongest armed force, the U.S. Marine Corps.

    Well, it got really uncomfortable. With no supplies, we soon began to run out of ammo; the Corpsmen needed blood, morphine and other medical items for the wounded; and we didn't have any food.

    There were plenty of cans of food everywhere (rations), but all of them were frozen solid and of no use. Thankfully, some of the cans of rations had a solid disc of cocoa powder and two cookies. We filled our pockets with those. Water to drink was a problem. We had thrown away our canteens. They were of no use up in that cold place. The water in them had frozen and the ice broke the canteens apart. Our standard meal became cookies and snow. BTW, It takes a lot of snow to get a few drops of water.

Things looked pretty grim for us. The chaplains were busy preparing the men for what seemed inevitable. That's when I did some heavy praying. "Please God, don't let me get killed." "Please God, don't let me be captured." I was placing quite a lot of demands on God. I really hadn't learned how to pray.

Right in the middle of all that, planes from the Air Force started dropping in supplies by parachutes to keep us going. Part of the drop was a box of cooked turkey! I didn't realize that Thanksgiving Day had arrived.

The food tasted great, but it had to be eaten very fast before it was completely frozen. I had a drumstick that provided me with only a few bites before it became a Popsicle. Despite that, it was good to have food again. Many of the guys were saying grace, a prayer of gratitude, like we did at home over meals. I realized, at that point, that there was much more than food to be grateful for. That was when I finally learned how to pray. 

Whether it is before a meal or any time I think about it, my prayer of Thanksgiving has become a permanent part of my life.

Thank you, God for giving me life; Thank you for my loving family and friends; Thank you for the beauty you give me to enjoy - the palm trees, the beautiful flowers, the warm, clear water of the Gulf; Thank you for forgiving me when I thought that praying was about what I wanted from you. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Forgotten War

The label, "forgotten" is often used  for the Korean War (1950-1953). It is not some kind of sad lament, as if to say someone had "done us wrong". There are a few reasons why it may have been forgotten. Let me explain.

It was June 25, 1950 when the Korean War started. It had only been five years after WWII had ended. This war would have to be fought by the younger brothers and cousins of the "Greatest Generation" of WWII. They had watched their older family members go off to war. Their first wounds were from having lost relatives in that war. That experience prepared them for also having to go to war - and much sooner than anyone expected.

When WWII ended, it was the beginning of a joyful time of life. The returning heroes were busy going to school (GI Bill), getting married and rearing the next generation (today's "baby boomers"). People were getting used to a whole new wonderful USA. There was now meat for sale in the market - no more rationing! You could buy sugar, toothpaste and tires again. The first new 1946 car was made by Nash, although it would be delivered with wooden bumpers (still not enough chromium available). Levittown houses were available and cheap. Peace had finally arrived and life in America was good.

Many things were happening, though. The end of WWII had left nations and cities partitioned by Britain, the US and Russia. Germany had two sections, Korea had two sections and even Berlin was sectioned off. These remained divided populations, with Communism on one side of hastily drawn lines and free people on the other. 

In June 1950, the North Korean Communists attacked their free neighbors to the south. The United Nations prescribed that sixteen other nations join with the United States forces to drive the attacking army out of South Korea. It was the first action ever taken by the newly formed United Nations. 

They, and President Truman wanted no part of another war, so they referred to it as a "police action". It was at that point when the Korean War started becoming "forgotten". Americans must have thought, "Oh, OK, it's not a war, so not to worry". 

Led by Gen. MacArthur, the North Korean army met defeat quickly, but then things began to change very dramatically. China entered the war  helping their Communist friends in North Korea. The Chinese Army attacked our forces and the war got a little more complicated. President Truman, Gen. MacArthur and the United Nations struggled over what to do. Gen. MacArthur could not agree to take his orders from the United Nations. He thought that the United States should proceed to defeat China. His plan had allowed us to capture the power station at the Chosin Reservoir that supplied electricity to all of southern Manchuria. 

While Washington and the United Nations were dealing with this situation, our forces stood down and waited for their decision. During this period of delay, the Chinese Army used the opportunity to completely surround our forces at the reservoir. 

When the U.N. finally made their decision, it was that our troops should leave Korea. Considering that Gen. MacArthur’s entire 10th Corps was surrounded, it became a major battle  to fight their way out of the trap and out of Korea. They made it out of the mountains and the "police action", ended in a cease fire. President Truman then fired Gen MacArthur, ending an illustrious career. 

The Korean War may have been "forgotten", but the veterans of that war have not. They are fewer now, most are in their eighties. They know that it was a war all right - the one they fought when they were kids 63 years ago this month.


Friday, April 12, 2013

Politics as Usual - NOT!

Democrats have captured voters for years by dividing them into dependent groups. They then united these groups against a common enemy - the "haves". This assures them of the votes that will keep them in power. That is communism; socialism; statism - by anybody's definition.

This has caused a major change in the political parties. The communists now have their home in the Democrat party; traditionalist conservative Democrats, moderates and so-called RINO's are now in the Republican party. That leaves the remaining traditional conservatives, libertarians and Tea Party members without sufficient representation to ever win another election.

Many are warning the Republican party that they are doomed if they don't reach out to the minority, gender and racial groups in a similar way. Hogwash! In my opinion, there is still one very good way to unify all of those disparate groups. It may very well be the "last chance" conservatives have to get back our beloved America. It will take a creative, formidable plan to pry power out of the hands of any socialist. It can't be politics as usual. 

If I were in the position to do so, I'd suggest a strategy that would change everything. Push aside any thoughts of a third party; do away with the usual way to run an election. This would surprise the opposition and shock the media. It's an idea that would save lots of time and money, as well as providing a way to win and to restore America.

Here's what I would do. The one remaining principle that still unites most of America is patriotism.  There will be no need to identify or to address each group's particular  issue. If a productive America can be restored, everyone will benefit. There will be only one group for us to appeal to - only one - Americans! If we can't get Americans to come together in that way, then we've already lost. Single issues like abortion, immigration, guns, climate, gay marriage and medical care simply cannot be repaired until the country is back to normal - one of growth and prosperity. 

The government will, once again, work as intended by the founders. The size of government will be reduced and power will be returned to the individual states. It is the states who will design the new solutions to resolve our problems - not the Federal government. This is clearly defined by the Constitution and is of benefit to all groups, minority or otherwise.

With my new approach, the Republican party will become a refuge for all who want to see a strong prosperous America. It will identify with those Americans who believe in the founders' original design of this country. It will attract all who want an America free of debt, productive and prosperous once again. Democrats, Libertarians, Republicans, Constitutionalists, members of traditional religions, the Armed Forces, war veterans and the Tea Party - will be enthusiastic about the return of a proud nation. 

I believe that other Americans will join us. There are many who will come from people on welfare, labor unions, academia (students and faculty), as well as the millions of currently unemployed people in the country. Members of any minority group who feel oppressed will be able to understand and to attain the American dream - a real opportunity to work and earn a good life.

I'd make all of the symbols of the party, those that represent patriotism and our heritage. Party meetings will commence with the Pledge of Allegiance. The American Flag will be displayed and honored at every function, including any campaigning. All party principles and statements will be drawn directly from the original documents of America. It will no longer be necessary to "attack" or even to identify the opponent or the other party. All speeches will contain the already written "talking points" drawn from those sacred documents. Wherever possible, direct quotes from our founders will be used.

The music used at rallies and functions will be chosen from the beloved songs of our nation. Already well-established songs, like the National Anthem, God Bless America, America the Beautiful, as well as modern songs like God Bless the USA and the marches of John Philips Sousa like Stars and Stripes Forever will be the music of the party. These are the melodies that have stirred the hearts of Americans for generations.

A new acronym that more clearly defines the party should be adopted. GOP, (Grand Old Party), has no meaning to the voters. I suggest IPR - Indivisible Party of the Republic. The word selected from the American Pledge, and all it connotes, will be a powerful indicator and unifier.

Now here's a whole new way of selecting candidates and running the next election. This method will be an effective way to fend off the expected vast media coverage of the Democrats and save our party millions of dollars.

Much like the conclave used in selecting the Pope, all potential candidates and prominent conservative leaders will be convened. All conservative Governors will make up the majority. This group will select a candidate from within their own ranks, just as was done at the birth of the nation. All patriots - no debates, no convention, no rancor. 

The selected candidate would identify a running mate and seek approval from the conclave. The group would then set about naming those among them who are qualified for every single cabinet position. The concept of a unified team will be the standard. The attendees would then create and sign a "contract with the country". Before adjourning, they will pledge to support the entire contract and established ticket. This will become the new and effective way for the party to present a total package to the American public.

A Sample "Contract"

1 Reduced size of government
2 Lowered corporate tax
3 Repatriate overseas billions
4 A simplified tax system
5 Fuel independence
6 Repaired and protected entitlement programs
7 Consolidation/elimination of ineffective federal programs
8 A strong military at all times
9 A new amendment: The nation's symbols (the flag and the national anthem) will be revered and preserved.  Disrespect or defiling of either would be exceptions in our free expression of political speech.

That's it. The party will have established a complete line-up of professionals, a principled position and a clear direction. The entire package would be announced to the nation before December 2013. The campaign would begin at that point - long before convention or election time. This will provide a huge amount of time to reach the voters while causing some chaos to the Democrats. It will shock the press, the politicians and all of those who are used to the old way of running elections. It may even be a reward for those of us who have lost faith in the "politics as usual" way of doing things.

Yep, that's what I'd do!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Looking For Life On Mars - And Here

The debate here on earth, goes on and on about when a human embryo is to be considered a life. Those who consider an abortion to be "killing" a life believe that life began at the moment of conception. Those in opposition say that there is no life there since the embryo has not yet developed. The pro-life and pro-abortion people are constantly at war over when life begins. 

Space scientists have been very busy, probing Mars and other planets, looking for evidence of life. It is their belief that if they were to find a single cell of algae, microbe or even a bacteria, it would be considered a very significant discovery. It would be sufficient for them to call any alien organism or cell they can find - life. And yet, there so much controversy here on earth - about what constitutes life. Biologists, theologians and laymen will continue to debate this emotionally charged issue. 

I say that all of these groups who are intent on arguing about when life begins might consider doing a study. Whether it is the people who are exploring the planets, or those who are engaged in the pro-life/pro-abortion controversy, I have a challenge for them.

Since the scientists consider a single cell to be life. I say that we should first be able to explain an existing simple, living single cell. Let's look at one familiar and very curious cell. 

It is the single cell called a spirochete, the male reproductive cell. A powerful microscope will be needed because we're talking about a really tiny organism. Being a living cell, it is able to do all the things that any other living organism can do. It is born, it feeds, it does work, it is capable of locomotion, it eliminates waste, and it reproduces. All of that is going on in only a single cell! As Frank Sinatra would say, "That's Life!".

Those who are pondering the question of when exactly does a human life begin should look closely at this single cell. There is so much we don't know and so many questions that are hard to answer. This little cell has a tail that it uses to propel itself. Using its tail, it swims forward toward a destination. Where's it going? It has no map or compass, but somehow, it knows where to go. And it knows what to do!

How does it know that? It doesn't appear to have a "brain", but it knows how to do a lot of "thinking" things. We are faced with lots of questions: How did it learn these things? Did it go to school? How does it know how to wiggle its tail just the right way for swimming? Did it's Dad teach it to swim? Where does it get the magical invisible force that powers it's tail? Is there a battery - a motor? Where's the brain that tells it what to do?  Does it have a sense of touch to feel when it is bumping into stuff and then be able to turn away? How does it know when it has arrived at its destination? How did this little cell get so perfectly engineered?

Answers to these questions are difficult to answer. That leaves us with a lot of opinions and few facts. Maybe we can use a computer - a big one. Let's use IBM's "Watson", the world's largest and fastest computer. Given enough data, maybe then, we will be able to answer the question "what is life and when does it begin"? My guess is that even that most powerful computer will hold up, saying that it needs to have more data. So, if we can't even figure out one little cell, stop the fighting!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Perfect Enemy


Being an American citizen in this land of the free gives us a great opportunity to live a good life. Our Constitution protects us from anyone or anything that would threaten that freedom, including the government itself. And yet, there is a serious danger that our freedom is being lost.

Did you ever think that our Constitution and our way of life could be used against us? An enemy, who is devious enough would find it very easy to do just that. If they were to use our rights, "Freedom of religion", "Freedom of Speech", and our welcoming, generous nature, they could defeat us and remain unscathed.

In the past we have fought enemies who meant to harm our country, but they were clearly defined by their political ideology. An enemy whose goal was to destroy us, was easily defined and just as easily opposed and defeated.

The enemy we face today is not easily defined, and it may not be easily defeated. It has arranged its goals and its political ideology in a very clever way. They have  wrapped their political ideology inside the protective cloak of their religion. Their ideology and their religion are one, therefore, they are fully protected by our Constitution. Using this uniquely powerful freedom, they have become an enemy that has protected itself from being attacked, or even accused. 

As a minority, they have many unearned rights in this country even though they hate us. Even as an enemy of our country, it is not considered a factor in their gaining citizenship. We don't discriminate, so being in our free country, they are allowed to join our military and to run for office. They use our democratic system to insist on changes to our laws so as to include their Sharia laws.

This enemy is trained to be "Soldiers of Allah". They learn about their duties in their mosques. Most believe that if they die while killing infidels, they will be rewarded with martyrdom and eternal life. Like good soldiers, they are willing to give their lives to destroy their enemies. They need no direct orders from military officers, nor do they need uniforms or arsenals of modern weapons. 

It is Allah who commands them - every man, woman and child. They have already been given their instructions as part of their religious training and it is buried in each of their hearts. Any Muslim, at any time, may choose to kill as many infidels as he wants, whenever and wherever he feels like doing so. That's a formidable army.

As we have seen with the murders of our soldiers at Fort Hood, this enemy is even free to join our military. They are free to emigrate into America and other nations. When they arrive, most will not adapt to those societies. They withhold any loyalty to the nation within which they reside. They remain loyal and obedient only to their god and to their prescribed system of beliefs and laws (Sharia). When called upon, they are ready to do their duty. 

Their birthrate is higher than those of the Western nations to which they have emigrated. Many of the world’s modern nations have low birth rates. Muslims will eventually outnumber the natural citizens of those countries. With vast majorities, they have only to vote themselves into positions of power, establish Sharia law and succeed at their goal of converting the world to Islam. It appears that we are part of a "perfect storm" created by a well-designed, well-orchestrated scenario. 

While the population is kept busy worrying about things like drill or not, Wall St., banks, abortion, immigration reform, illegal aliens, jobs and the economy, the Religious War of 1991 continues - unopposed. We have been spun into a chrysalis. When we emerge, it may very well be a different world. We may not be doomed, exactly, but we will not be in Kansas anymore, Dorothy . 

Friday, March 1, 2013

America and the Longest War

Our government officials tell us that we are at war with terrorism. This is illogical and inaccurate, and maybe even deceptive. Since the brutal attack on September 11, 1991 we all know exactly who we are at war with. We know them to be the same enemy that has been killing Americans around the world for over seventy years. 

Yes, we are against terrorists and Terrorism, but it is the people who use this tactic against us that we are at war with. This tactic is a horrible, yet effective way to strike "terror" in the hearts of a foe. How can we be at war with the tactic that an enemy is using - and not the enemy who hates us and wants to kill us by using it? Who is the enemy who has declared war on us? 

War started in the early 1970's. On October 6, 1973, the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur, Egyptian forces attacked Israel from across the Suez Canal, while at the same time Syrian troops were flooding the Golan Heights in a surprise offensive.  On October 17, OPEC, representing several Arab nations, struck back against the U.S. by imposing an oil embargo. Overnight, the price of a barrel of oil rose from $3 to $5.11. In January 1974, they raised it further to $11.65. We were singled out for having supported Israel in the war. So now it was our war. 

In the years that followed, there were several attacks on Americans around the world by Muslims in Yemen, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Indonesia and Kenya. Then in 1978, Islamic Iranians captured 53 Americans from our embassy and kept them in prison for more than a year. It was no longer a war with a particular country. It is the religion of Islam that has declared war on the USA. Islam is represented by millions of believers in many nations around the world. 

Although Muslims represent different nationalities, they are of one belief. Islam has radical, violent forces in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Pakistan, Bosnia, Croatia, Albania, Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon, the Philippines, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Syria, Iraq, and Kashmir. Millions of believers have emigrated into America and most of the developed nations of Europe.

The leaders in Iran instructed these people years ago, to join the jihad - "holy war".  Islamic spokesmen invoke this as a duty for all Muslims, in their relations with non-Muslims, until the whole world is brought under the mantle of Muhammad.

In an early speech by Osama bin Laden, he spoke to those believers and alluded to the Ottoman Empire. He was counting on the classical understanding of all Arab speaking nations, explaining that the world is divided into the "realm of Islam" and the "realm of the sword". (Infidels/non-Infidels). Muslims in all countries around the entire world understood.

When our people were killed in New York, newspapers in the Arab world were gleeful. An Egyptian columnist after 9/11 - "I cannot restrain my joy. I have witnessed the defeat of American arrogance, tyranny, conceit and evil" - Another columnist said, "Muslims see what has happened as divine retribution" A Libyan columnist called it, "The happiest day of my life" and a Kenyan newspaper said, "Every Muslim is Osama bin Laden".

To me, there is no doubt about who our enemy is. The truth is that this "Religious Holy War" is being forced on us by Islam. This religion is at war with the USA, Israel and all "infidels". Nationalism is not a factor - it is their religion that unites them. For the first time in our history,  we are hearing, "death to Americans, Jews and Christians wherever they are". Frightening stuff from an enemy who has already proven that he could hurt us badly. 

What about the "tactic" of terrorism? In war, the ideal tactic is one that will put fear in the heart of your foe. This enemy knew that it would have to confront the strong military forces of the USA and Israel. They would need some way to multiply their power in the conflict. It was easy for them to choose terrorism, an asymmetrical tactic. How would they put fear in the hearts of such strong, civilized and modern countries? Cut off heads, kill women and children indiscriminately, have many who will blow themselves up just to kill some of their enemy - that's how. 

Mothers are taught that strapping a bomb to their own child's body will please their God and will reap rewards for them in heaven. Those irrational and horrible acts make a modern and civilized society's blood run cold. That's what terrorism is all about and why it has worked so effectively.

Until we are willing to name, confront and to fight our actual enemy, the future will continue to be dominated by fear, loss of life and massive financial costs. The 1000 year religious war with Islam began on 9/11/1991.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Thou Shalt Not - - -

Liberalism is a strange and dangerous political ideology. Many members of this group are the parents and offspring of the so-called, "Me Generation". It was clear from the start that this group did not care for the concept of personal responsibility. They wanted to be allowed to do just as they pleased. They did not want religion or any established authorities to tell them what they could or could not do. 

That generation of liberals wanted non-judgment, relative morality and license to do as they pleased. It meant denying God's existence and thwarting society's laws and its rules for behavior. They learned to look elsewhere to blame anyone or anything for the woes they might experience. In the 60's, they burned Bibles and other books they didn't agree with. No, it wasn't in Nazi Germany, but here in America at Columbia University! 

As liberals who wanted their way, they made up their own rules for behavior. In my opinion, they have created what is their own religion. Their belief is so strong, they look at their opposition as infidels and therefore, their enemy.

Over time, as this group of liberals began to experience the normal challenges of life, they encountered many difficulties. Having disregarded the concepts of right and wrong and of any absolutes like good and evil, they had no moral compass to guide them.They found life to be filled with problems that they weren't able to handle. They had trouble with drug use, traditional marriage and patriotism. Although older people now, they are still among us. 

Despite their non-acceptance of religion, the Commandments or any other code of good behavior, they now feel compelled to tell others how they must behave. They have become the religion of liberalism. From that platform, they have developed their own new set of "commandments". 

The federal government and some liberal mayors have begun issuing fiats almost daily. Each one places additional limitations on our individual freedoms. "Thou shalt not - drink sodas in 16 ounce containers" "Thou shalt not - be allowed to defend yourself (2nd Amendment right)"  "Thou shalt not - have the medical prescriptions you require" "Though shalt not have large gun magazines" "Thou shalt not  earn interest on your savings" "Thou shalt not be concerned about low employment and high federal deficits" "Thou shalt not think about balanced budgets or debt reduction" "Thou shalt not worry so much about laws that the government chooses not to enforce".

Having developed into a religion of their own, they continue their efforts to eliminate the presence of God in our societyBy removing Him, they believe that they can get the people to look only to them as their source of sustenance and hope. They are promoting a morality of relativity and a Godless life filled with new values of their own creation. 

In this country, our freedom is given to us by God and cannot be taken away by these priests of liberalism. Their false religion cannot survive. It is a rudderless and directionless vessel. In the tempestuous world of political and moral storms, it will eventually be lost at sea.

Friday, February 8, 2013

A Glass Half Full

That phrase has made its way through the pop culture for years. Its implication is that a person’s outlook and attitude are significant factors in how they react to the world. In a simplistic way, the adage says, “be positive” and things will be just fine. It’s seems to indicate that all one has to do is to decide to be a positive person. If only it were that easy! 

It takes a lot of learning, much insight and a large measure of true enlightenment to become a positive person. Like any other effort at self-change, becoming a positive person is a major undertaking. Ask a person to change his attitude? Change his values? Change his behavior? One might just as well, ask a table to become a chair.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a staunch supporter of those who have a positive outlook on life. And I’m well aware of the beneficial effect it has on the quality of their lives and those of others. My position here is to say that those wonderful people did much more than just decide to be positive. There’s an awful lot of work and learning that goes into the creation of a positive person. 

Generally, the major source of this is the work commonly done by parents and other adults around a child. There will be many other influences, as well. There are those gained from life experiences, education, relationships and those gained by many from their religious beliefs. 

But what about those people who have not had the benefit of these things? Is it possible for them to become positive people? Although it isn't as common, there are those who attain a very healthy positive state through the agonizing work of self-change. 

Sure, one might just decide to act positive, but it won’t work for very long. With a false behavior like this, a person would be hiding his true self, i.e. the person he really is. Like any insincere or disingenuous behavior, it will not succeed. By not being his true, inner self, he will find that there is no payoff in just acting. At that point, he’s back to being that not-so-positive fellow again. So what exactly does it take to become a positive person? Let’s start with an observation. 

Many people out there are making believe. They are very busy hiding things from the people they interact with. There are a myriad of things that they are not comfortable in revealing to the world. To reveal these things would mean making oneself vulnerable to the judgment of others. Some are afraid of being truthful about what they’ve said or done in the past; others are afraid to reveal what they think is their lack of knowledge; some are hiding their prejudices, biases and stereotyping of others. As a result, these people are making believe that they are someone they are not. 

It is a natural thing for a person to become defensive when he senses that he is vulnerable. That’s where the "making believe" begins. When one becomes defensive it means that he will do some acting and pretending. That prevents a sincere expression of the truth. Now look, that doesn’t make him a bad person. It only defines the condition that prevents him from being the positive person he longs to be. With all of the inner stress of pretending going on, it is just not possible to be a positive person. 

So, just acting positive is not the answer. What must be dealt with is the stuff that people are carrying inside themselves. It means having to shed those pesky defenses and the need to make believe. Becoming your true self is the process of allowing yourself to be who you really are. Once a person accepts his true self, a natural serenity and the ability to be positive will follow. 

OK, how do we free the "true self"? First, there needs to be some serious introspection. Being truthful with oneself is key. A sincere effort to know oneself must be made, warts and all! Ask yourself some questions. What do you fear? Why do you respond to others the way you do? The idea is to really get to know the real person you are. 

The next step is to accept that person - you, just the way you are - despite any judgments you or others have made about your flaws or foibles.  Acceptance is the highest form of love. Once you accept yourself, understanding the other people in your life becomes easier. You will be able to see some of your own previous behavior in them. That gives you the ability to accept them, just as you did yourself. 

The process isn't over yet. The third step in becoming a positive person is to forgive those whom you have judged, hurt or disrespected. When you free them, you are freeing yourself. Those judgments you've made of others weigh heavy on your heart. Now comes the most important thing of all - forgive yourself. This step is magical. Tell yourself that you are a good person and that you deserve to be  happy. You will have given yourself a clean slate – and a new beginning. Absolve yourself of any guilt you may feel or any need for self-punishment. From here on, you will be a happy and positive person. 

Take a deep breath and feel the air of freedom you’ve found. You can now be who you are – your true self. This is the person you will present to others for the rest of your life. No pretense or defensiveness will ever be necessary. All of that negative stuff will be gone from inside of you. There is now room inside for what had been stifled by not being your true self. Your capacity for love will be multiplied. You will have released your ability to accept others, to suspend the need to judge them and the magical ability to forgive. 

Is it too late to learn how to live life? Of course not, you are still alive. Don't live your life superficially, as if it were merely a single page booklet - with very little to be learned. No, the book of life is large - an awe-inspiring tome. There is something to learn from every chapter. A difficult read, yes, but a rewarding one. Like any learning assignment, you have to do the homework. Want to be a positive person? Read the book - learn – and don’t risk skipping a single page!