Friday, August 22, 2014

Vows, Oaths and other promises

Growing old provides many challenges to a person. If we are able to overcome them, there is much value to be gained. However, there is one challenge that seems to resist all of my efforts to handle. It's been going on for years now, and I still find it perplexing.

Sometimes I think that it is not worth my time to even think about it. Other times, I tell myself that it shouldn't matter to me because I won't have to face the problem in my lifetime. But, I still have a little starch in my collar, so I'm going to have my say.

America is in trouble. Our Republic, our flag, the Constitution and our very culture is disappearing. That can't be a good thing for us and certainly not for the future of our children and their children. 

My Mom used to teach me by using old, and very wise adages. One of those, I never quite understood. "Old men plant trees". I get it, now. I understand that I won't see the tree all grown up or the delicious fruit it will bear, but others will - so let me plant a "tree".

The country has so many things that have been messed up and that needs to be fixed. I won't spend time trying to address them all. The leaders of this country, however, will have to address them. I will talk only about the "keystone" that kept the "arch" that is America, so strong for over 245 years.It is the Pledge of Allegiance.

The keystone is a very important stone in the structure of an arch. If the keystone is removed, the arch and the entire structure it was supporting will collapse. In our structure that we know as America, our keystone has been lost. 

Every citizen, including the children, used to swear allegiance to the flag and to the country. It used to be commonplace. It is no longer, and it has been missing for generations now. That pledge, said daily, was a way of keeping America, and the flag, alive in the hearts of Americans. It was a reminder to every citizen of their promise of loyalty.  

Teachers used to teach the kids how to be good little Americans. The curriculum had always included lessons about our proud history and how to be a good citizen. Not anymore. This has been going on for over sixty years. There are now millions of people who have not been taught these important things. Many don't understand why they need to be respectful and loyal to their country and the flag. These people live in America but are not Americans in their hearts.

Being a citizen means that you are a member of a kind of club. Members are always asked to learn the club's history and its beliefs. All members make some kind of oath to serve the club faithfully. Keeping that promise, and being loyal to the club, is expected. In meetings, the club members will be asked to recite their oath regularly. This is what a brand new naturalized American citizen is asked to do. The test they take includes a promise to be loyal to this country and no other. People who are already citizens take no such test and we take no oath.
Similarly, if a person joins a church, the military, or the government, it is expected that there will be an oath taken. That person is asked to accept the rules, the history of the organization and the purpose behind their promise. This is the glue that binds the person to the group's identity, gives it purpose and the strength for the group to endure.

Let's look at a truly American "club", the Boy Scouts of America. The boys take an oath, learn the salute, the organization's purpose and it's history. Let's assume that they are then told that the oath they took and all they have been taught is now optional. It would no longer be necessary to for them to ever repeat their oath. They would not have to salute or mention the past and proud history of the Scouts. How long do you think that the BSA would endure?

The same thing would be true for any church that didn't ask its believers to show respect for the promise they have made and to be loyal to the church's beliefs. This would also be true for a large corporation or even a marriage. What if we had doctors, psychologists, judges and many other professionals who didn't have to take or to keep their oaths? How important would you say that their taking of an oath - is to you?

OK, what's the point? How do we go about putting the keystone back? The very first step in putting America back together again is to set that important stone back into place - the Pledge of Allegiance. As before, all Americans, would say the pledge in the schools and at all public events. It means reinstating the American Flag as the respected and honored symbol of this nation, complete with the etiquette for its proper display. It means that the National Anthem will be respected and honored, not as just another song, but one to be revered. It belongs in the hearts of all Americans.

Most of what has gone wrong with our country is that these very important elements have been removed or are now considered as optional. There is no place left where we educate to instill the loyalty that brings us together as patriotic citizens. 

Some problems are difficult - this one is not. All we have to do is to keep our oath and put the keystone back! It has kept our country so strong, removing it is dangerous. Just like the archway in a building's entrance, removing the keystone will cause the entire structure to collapse.      

                       God bless America