Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Thou Shalt Not - - -

Liberalism is a strange and dangerous political ideology. Many members of this group are the parents and offspring of the so-called, "Me Generation". It was clear from the start that this group did not care for the concept of personal responsibility. They wanted to be allowed to do just as they pleased. They did not want religion or any established authorities to tell them what they could or could not do. 

That generation of liberals wanted non-judgment, relative morality and license to do as they pleased. It meant denying God's existence and thwarting society's laws and its rules for behavior. They learned to look elsewhere to blame anyone or anything for the woes they might experience. In the 60's, they burned Bibles and other books they didn't agree with. No, it wasn't in Nazi Germany, but here in America at Columbia University! 

As liberals who wanted their way, they made up their own rules for behavior. In my opinion, they have created what is their own religion. Their belief is so strong, they look at their opposition as infidels and therefore, their enemy.

Over time, as this group of liberals began to experience the normal challenges of life, they encountered many difficulties. Having disregarded the concepts of right and wrong and of any absolutes like good and evil, they had no moral compass to guide them.They found life to be filled with problems that they weren't able to handle. They had trouble with drug use, traditional marriage and patriotism. Although older people now, they are still among us. 

Despite their non-acceptance of religion, the Commandments or any other code of good behavior, they now feel compelled to tell others how they must behave. They have become the religion of liberalism. From that platform, they have developed their own new set of "commandments". 

The federal government and some liberal mayors have begun issuing fiats almost daily. Each one places additional limitations on our individual freedoms. "Thou shalt not - drink sodas in 16 ounce containers" "Thou shalt not - be allowed to defend yourself (2nd Amendment right)"  "Thou shalt not - have the medical prescriptions you require" "Though shalt not have large gun magazines" "Thou shalt not  earn interest on your savings" "Thou shalt not be concerned about low employment and high federal deficits" "Thou shalt not think about balanced budgets or debt reduction" "Thou shalt not worry so much about laws that the government chooses not to enforce".

Having developed into a religion of their own, they continue their efforts to eliminate the presence of God in our societyBy removing Him, they believe that they can get the people to look only to them as their source of sustenance and hope. They are promoting a morality of relativity and a Godless life filled with new values of their own creation. 

In this country, our freedom is given to us by God and cannot be taken away by these priests of liberalism. Their false religion cannot survive. It is a rudderless and directionless vessel. In the tempestuous world of political and moral storms, it will eventually be lost at sea.

Friday, February 8, 2013

A Glass Half Full

That phrase has made its way through the pop culture for years. Its implication is that a person’s outlook and attitude are significant factors in how they react to the world. In a simplistic way, the adage says, “be positive” and things will be just fine. It’s seems to indicate that all one has to do is to decide to be a positive person. If only it were that easy! 

It takes a lot of learning, much insight and a large measure of true enlightenment to become a positive person. Like any other effort at self-change, becoming a positive person is a major undertaking. Ask a person to change his attitude? Change his values? Change his behavior? One might just as well, ask a table to become a chair.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a staunch supporter of those who have a positive outlook on life. And I’m well aware of the beneficial effect it has on the quality of their lives and those of others. My position here is to say that those wonderful people did much more than just decide to be positive. There’s an awful lot of work and learning that goes into the creation of a positive person. 

Generally, the major source of this is the work commonly done by parents and other adults around a child. There will be many other influences, as well. There are those gained from life experiences, education, relationships and those gained by many from their religious beliefs. 

But what about those people who have not had the benefit of these things? Is it possible for them to become positive people? Although it isn't as common, there are those who attain a very healthy positive state through the agonizing work of self-change. 

Sure, one might just decide to act positive, but it won’t work for very long. With a false behavior like this, a person would be hiding his true self, i.e. the person he really is. Like any insincere or disingenuous behavior, it will not succeed. By not being his true, inner self, he will find that there is no payoff in just acting. At that point, he’s back to being that not-so-positive fellow again. So what exactly does it take to become a positive person? Let’s start with an observation. 

Many people out there are making believe. They are very busy hiding things from the people they interact with. There are a myriad of things that they are not comfortable in revealing to the world. To reveal these things would mean making oneself vulnerable to the judgment of others. Some are afraid of being truthful about what they’ve said or done in the past; others are afraid to reveal what they think is their lack of knowledge; some are hiding their prejudices, biases and stereotyping of others. As a result, these people are making believe that they are someone they are not. 

It is a natural thing for a person to become defensive when he senses that he is vulnerable. That’s where the "making believe" begins. When one becomes defensive it means that he will do some acting and pretending. That prevents a sincere expression of the truth. Now look, that doesn’t make him a bad person. It only defines the condition that prevents him from being the positive person he longs to be. With all of the inner stress of pretending going on, it is just not possible to be a positive person. 

So, just acting positive is not the answer. What must be dealt with is the stuff that people are carrying inside themselves. It means having to shed those pesky defenses and the need to make believe. Becoming your true self is the process of allowing yourself to be who you really are. Once a person accepts his true self, a natural serenity and the ability to be positive will follow. 

OK, how do we free the "true self"? First, there needs to be some serious introspection. Being truthful with oneself is key. A sincere effort to know oneself must be made, warts and all! Ask yourself some questions. What do you fear? Why do you respond to others the way you do? The idea is to really get to know the real person you are. 

The next step is to accept that person - you, just the way you are - despite any judgments you or others have made about your flaws or foibles.  Acceptance is the highest form of love. Once you accept yourself, understanding the other people in your life becomes easier. You will be able to see some of your own previous behavior in them. That gives you the ability to accept them, just as you did yourself. 

The process isn't over yet. The third step in becoming a positive person is to forgive those whom you have judged, hurt or disrespected. When you free them, you are freeing yourself. Those judgments you've made of others weigh heavy on your heart. Now comes the most important thing of all - forgive yourself. This step is magical. Tell yourself that you are a good person and that you deserve to be  happy. You will have given yourself a clean slate – and a new beginning. Absolve yourself of any guilt you may feel or any need for self-punishment. From here on, you will be a happy and positive person. 

Take a deep breath and feel the air of freedom you’ve found. You can now be who you are – your true self. This is the person you will present to others for the rest of your life. No pretense or defensiveness will ever be necessary. All of that negative stuff will be gone from inside of you. There is now room inside for what had been stifled by not being your true self. Your capacity for love will be multiplied. You will have released your ability to accept others, to suspend the need to judge them and the magical ability to forgive. 

Is it too late to learn how to live life? Of course not, you are still alive. Don't live your life superficially, as if it were merely a single page booklet - with very little to be learned. No, the book of life is large - an awe-inspiring tome. There is something to learn from every chapter. A difficult read, yes, but a rewarding one. Like any learning assignment, you have to do the homework. Want to be a positive person? Read the book - learn – and don’t risk skipping a single page!