Thursday, December 24, 2015

God - The Scientific Creator


That doesn't sound right, does it? Ever since I was a kid there have been debates between science and those of us who have faith in a Creator. I have a personal relationship with God, and I've also studied the sciences. I have no difficulty in accepting both scientific thought and my belief that God created everything. Science is rife with examples of His involvement.

Not a day goes by when I don't hear of a new dispute over what the schools should be teaching our kids. Should they be taught Evolution, an accepted scientific theory or should it be Creationism, an accepted act of faith? Since God's creation is also a matter of everything being made from nothing, the "Big Bang" theory can also be considered an act of faith. 

It is now common to hear those in the scientific community making references that things had to have been created. Physicists speak of their search for the "God particle" or to a God-like entity they call, "Logos". This new way of describing God is spoken of as, "Intelligent Design". 

They have found that everything in the universe has a basis in mathematics and in the other sciences. Even in engineering, it is accepted that building any complex structure, will require that a prototype first be designed using math and intelligence. That is a necessary step before any creation can be described as able to evolve or adapt. 
The human body itself is so incredibly complex that medical doctors and other scientists marvel at the body’s miraculous ability to heal itself. The more they study the design of the human body, the more certain they become that there has to have been an intelligent designer. In order for all of the body’s intricate, sophisticated and interconnected systems to work, it had to be designed in total before it could be created. There could be no prototype or testing. It had to be right the first time. Now that would take intelligent forethought, design and a miracle or two. Although scientists may not always refer to God, or to a creator or to miracles, they have accepted the fact that they do not know. That’s a kind of faith, isn’t it?

When scientists can measure, observe, calculate and repeat an experiment, they will then refer to it as factual. When they get a result that cannot be explained, they will assume that further experimentation is required for the facts to be revealed. But there are many scientists whose experiments are giving them very unpredictable and curious results. 

If you have studied science, you probably learned Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics. Scientists in each of those disciplines are having what I call, "Holy Cow!" moments. Just when they thought that they knew and understood what they were doing, something paradoxical has happened. Some, including Einstein, have used the word, “mystical” to describe these incidents.
Physicists have had to deal with new and unexpected situations. There is stuff that exists in the universe but they can’t see it (black matter). There are sub-atomic particles that should behave as particles, but they also behave as waves (photons). When they came upon Quantum Mechanics the very earth moved beneath their feet. In that world they found small bundles of energy that behave in a totally different, even bizarre way (quarks). At the subatomic level, these smallest objects of matter are not physical objects at all. Nor are they particles any longer - they are simply tiny bundles of energy (quanta). 
Since they are not objects, they do not follow the laws of cause and effect. Their behavior seems magical. They can be in two or more places at once, even an infinite number of places, at the same time. They appear to be like ghosts. They are addable or countable, but like ghosts, adding them up sometimes produces nothing at all! These provocative little bundles of energy escape any explanation. They are much like our thoughts, which are also merely "bundles of energy". Is everything then, the thoughts of a creator?

Some physicists are not willing to believe in something that refuses to reveal itself. Others, confronted with these new realities, sense that they have reached the limits of scientific explanation. They are having to think seriously about intelligent design. In any design phase, there has to be a knowledge of engineering, physics and mathematics Many scientists have had their "Big Bang" beliefs really shaken.
Then there are the Chemists. They have much knowledge about all of the elements they know to exist on earth, and as far as they can see into the universe. They are able to take two or more unique elements with completely different characteristics and somehow "create" a totally new substance. It almost seems magical. The chemists have classified and categorized their information so that their experiments can be repeated without failure. They have been able to represent the structure of the atom of each element in nature. In that small world, they know that the atomic number assigned to each element represents the number of electrons in the outer ring of its atom. They also know that for two different elements to combine, their atoms must have satisfied the “Rule of Eight“ in their atom's outer rings. Atoms can combine only if the electrons in their outer rings add up to eight. When that happens, they form a new substance. Some elements have atoms that already have eight electrons in their outer ring. These never combine with any other atoms and are referred to as inert elements. 

Why the number eight? Who made that law? It all works so well, just as if it were all laid out by a well-organized thought process. Chemists know and respect the Rule of Eight, but rarely do they theorize or philosophize about it. What they do know is that they didn't create it - they discovered it. It had already been thought of, designed and created.
The Mathematicians also discovered a system that was already in place. They look at the physical universe and see that everything in nature has the same adherence to standards of mathematical perfection. All of the organic life on earth has an extremely well thought out mathematical composition. Every leaf, every animal and insect, every human cell has been organized and assembled using the same mathematical standards. The precision with numbers that is so much a part of the mathematician's world, has been applied and is at work in every living cell. It means that the same system of mathematics had to be used by the designer for all living cells.                                              
As scientists continue to look more deeply into the tiny subatomic realm and into the infinitely vast reaches of space they see the same design structures in everything. They begin to understand that what they have learned about their particular science has been in existence for a long time. Mathematics, chemistry and biology were there for them to find. It is He who first used mathematics in the universal design, it is He who designed the Rule of Eight which He applied to the entire universe, and it is He who designed our ability to think of all these magnificent things. God - The master mathematician, the master engineer, the master chemist, and the master mind of it all. 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Pick up the Trash

          Every so often, there is a public outcry about people acting irresponsibly. When a criminal suspect is apprehended, it's unlikely that his conscience will force him to confess and to accept his punishment. The teenage boy who fathers illegitimate children feels no responsibility for what he has done. Justice in our courts is a difficult challenge these days. Judges are faced with a continuous repetition of denial and blaming others by the accused. 
Society, parents and teachers have failed in their obligation to perpetuate responsible behavior on the part of citizens. It needs to be understood that a country founded on the rule of law requires its citizens to be responsible for their actions. One of the ways society fails in this regard, is its tolerance of certain behaviors that are generally regarded as unacceptable. Society is projecting a conflicting set of values. Let me show how this is demonstrated daily. 

 At your local hardware store or online, there are two particular tools that are easy to purchase. They are used extensively by people every day. Both are very profitable consumer products. They are purchased freely, and when in use, do not arouse society's ire. I find these tools to be a true indication of how society's values have been changed and how they create even more irresponsible people.

          First, there is the Radar detector. The idea here is to beat the policeman at his job. If you speed, you are breaking the law, and will have to pay the consequences of your behavior.  If you can prevent yourself from being detected, then you can break the law, not pay for your behavior, reinforce your unwillingness to live by the rules and feel that you're above the law and authority. The police are in the honorable and difficult position of finding speeders so as to save lives. They are being out-maneuvered by people who are employing a unique form of civil disobedience and anti-social behavior, while society looks the other way.

          The other tool is the so-called Leaf Blower. Individuals, as well as commercial businesses have come to love this device. No longer is it limited to blowing leaves, but is now used for all types of debris. There was a time when you picked up and disposed of whatever mess you've made. It meant being responsible for your own trash and not leaving it for your neighbors or others to clean up. This machine makes it possible to ignore the requirement to pick up your own trash, but to go ahead and give it to your neighbor and to society. When you blow your trash off of your domain and onto the property of others, you are making an anti-social, irresponsible statement, "I don't want this trash on my property. I also don't want or accept the responsibility to have to pick it up and get rid of it so that you won't be faced with it. I prefer to disregard my obligation to society, so I'm blowing it out there for all of you to deal with".
          Based on the popularity and the increased usage of these devices, I'd say that society has accepted these new behaviors and values. The height of irresponsibility is to be tolerant and accepting of irresponsible behavior. 
                                Pick up the trash!

Friday, December 18, 2015

What's it All About?

When the politicians get through all of their talking, is there anyone out there who understands just what they mean and what is really going on? 
Voters are being subjected to miles of words and promises. We are told to be concerned about many things. There is talk of a poor economy, or a recovering one; tax cuts or tax increases. There is much talk about which candidate is more experienced and which is not. There is talk of the war on terrorism while others feel that war doesn't even exist. Some speak of other wars: one on women, the middle class, rich versus poor, against minorities and even a war between the black population and those who have so-called white privilege. We are told that it's almost too late to save the planet from Global Warming, and those who see it differently. 

All of this gives Americans reasons to be afraid, concerned and confused. It is wise to remember that politicians are well trained in the ability to reach the easily led masses. They are adept at the use of obfuscation, altered facts and class warfare to gain the power they seek.
Well, I've had it with all of the deception. I think I know exactly what the politicians are talking about. I know what they are really proposing and what they are hiding. They are managing to get almost everybody thinking about all of those issues. This election is about a more serious problem than those individual issues. They keep talking and we keep walking blindly past the huge elephant in the room.

It's a bigger issue than immigration, homeland security, the economy or about terrorism. And it's not about global warming, wage inequality, abortion, fixing Social Security, simplifying the tax system or even about the various wars around the world. What we are being asked to decide is much more important. It's so profound that it will effect our entire nation's future, our personal safety and the quality of our very lives. Here's what is at the heart of the matter. It is a choice between the original design of our country and whether it should become something completely different.  

If politicians were capable of telling the truth about what they stand for, how it would affect each citizen and if they were forced to simplify their messages, this is what they would be saying from each side:

"I represent socialist values. I see us becoming more like France and other European countries. We should not flaunt our might or any semblance of superiority. All wealth from the corporations and rich people should be redistributed. No one should have any more than the next person. The government will control the wealth and the means of production. Nobody will be able to own private property or have the freedom to become wealthy."

"I represent the original American design, its values and its capitalist economic system. Our freedom is what makes us different from other nations, and it is used in the most efficient and effective way. Every person has an equal opportunity to gain an education, to work and to earn whatever each is capable of. Because everyone has the incentive to produce personal wealth, they are more productive and the entire nation becomes the beneficiary.

This is exactly what is at stake in the coming election. We will either retain our original values and our national character or we will become a completely different country from what our forefathers blessed us with. If we give up our original national purpose we will be forfeiting all that they and the many generations of Americans fought and died for.

While we are busy discussing all of those political issues, the major problem remains. Let's not kid ourselves any longer. What's at work here is the basic conflict that has plagued our country since the 1930's. It is the fundamental and classical war between socialism and capitalism. The rest is window dressing, salesmanship and "hocus pocus".

                                 God bless America

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Black Magic

Remember all those IBM cards that were full of holes? That was the way data was stored on those cards way back then. Before there were computers, there were IBM accounting machines. 

Here is one of those large electro-mechanical machines (407) that was able to read the data that was punched into those cards. These machines would read the holes and do simple accounting functions like add, subtract, multiply, divide and compare. The data and numerical results would produce printed reports. You may remember reports that were yards of folded computer paper sheets. But, wait a minute. The 407 could do nothing all by itself. It had to be told what to do and that wasn't so easy. 

Here's what the 407 looked like.
See that open side with the handle? It's holding a strange looking black board with several wires all over it. When the handle is pulled up, that board is inserted into the machine. It's the board that contained the instructions that told the machine to do the required functions. It was done with a bunch of wires placed onto that board.

Remember that we are way back in BC (before computers). There were no such things as programs or apps at that time. If you wanted to give instructions to a machine like the 407, you had to actually rewire it. No, you didn't have to be an electrical engineer. It was done externally with a provided wiring panel, a board, like the one we saw up above ready to be raised into the machine. The large black board has thousands of empty holes that went clear through the board. The machine operator started by setting the board on a desk and and then would spend hours placing variously colored wires into those empty holes.

If you wanted certain sums to be calculated, wires would be placed in specific holes. If you wanted the results to print on a report, wires would have to be placed into the holes that represented each printing position. The same was true for every step of the operation. In time, the black board would become a colorful "nest" of wires. When the board was inserted into the machine's side enclosure, it became the "program". All of the empty holes filled with wires were the instructions to the 407 Accounting Machine. 

As a young IBM Customer Engineer, I was really amazed by this incredible machine and the black board that directed it. I felt that way about many of the various machines that IBM produced. I was moved to write a poem to each one of them. In this case, my amazement and my poem was to this 407's black board.

         Black Magic
      More than 5,000 holes                   
          That go clear through
          A big, black board
          That is set into
          A 407
          Whose action it paces
          With wires placed
          In those empty spaces
          And this black magic
          Starts the whole thing
          Out of nothing
          Making something.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Why They Want to Kill Us

 I sometimes feel that I will never understand the hatred and the violence aimed at us by the Islamic terrorists. An early comment made by Osama bin Laden really confused me. He called America, " a civilization in rebellion against God because we separate religion from our policies and thus contradict the absolute authority of the Lord and Creator." 

Here we are, a nation that was founded on Judea-Christian principles. Our buildings and our monuments all indicate the presence of God. Our laws and policies are all based on God-given rights. Even our currency states, "In God we trust". So what is the source of all this anger toward us? 
The problem appears to be the difference between which God and which religion. Islam has a distinct set of laws (Sharia), a political ideology and a way of living life all wrapped up within their religion. That puts them in opposition to our system of religious freedom. Is that the answer? Is that why they are attacking us? Is that why they hate us? 
In a simpler time, it could be labelled as merely jealousy of us. We used to refer to that as the "Yankees syndrome". Get to be the biggest and the best and you'll be hated. But here, I believe, there is much, much more going on.

As I continued to think about this, I remembered a couple of things. The 60's revolution against traditional values and the miracle of mass worldwide media. It didn't take too long for all of those "new values" to permeate the country and then to be exported. This is what made it possible for large masses of people, in many countries and cultures, to see and learn the same things together. What were they seeing and learning about us?

The European countries came on board because of their affinity for American goods, music and entertainment. The "duck and cover" American kids, and the war-weary European kids became the "movement". With the understandable fear they shared, it was easy for them to altruistically chant, "make love, not war". The culture became very liberal and behavior changed dramatically. Those new "values" were then exported to the world by an "envelope-pushing" Hollywood. They began to depict the life style of free love, drugs, immorality and loss of conscience in their films. 

The fundamentalist religion of Islam was able to see our most negative side. They began to hate us and the other Western societies. Their religious view was that they were being threatened by the spread of satanic influences. They felt that the USA had become a secular and immoral nation. They saw us as the "Great Satan" and that we were the source of the world's decline into depravity. Since they had no way to fight the strong armies of the West, they chose to use terrorism - a very effective tactic when used against civilized nations.

Followers of that belief are promised rewards in Heaven if they die as martyrs. We are people who value life while they are prepared to lose theirs in order to annihilate us. That leaves us little choice other than to fight them. 

I can never condone what the Islamofacists have done, and are doing, but I am able to see why they fear modernity and freedom. Within their religious belief, they remain determined to live as they have for centuries. 
While I, and others, sat and watched, Hollywood was exporting stuff that made the world think that we were all like that. It was an easy stretch for the followers of Islam to conclude that America was the Devil and that democracy/freedom causes that kind of behavior. 

As a member of society back then, I now must accept responsibility for not having fought hard enough to keep our nation's values intact. Like you and other decent people, I've watched as my country drifted away from the inner strength it had derived from its moral standards and values. When freedom became license, we should have resisted. That would have been an easier fight than the ones we confront today - at home and around the world.
                        God bless America

Monday, December 7, 2015

Promises and Politicians


The president has recently mentioned that he intends to limit the amount of domestic oil drilling. I'm sure he knows that we are going to need much more of our own resources even as we develop new and renewable sources of energy. Energy independence is the thing that most Americans would vote for in a heartbeat. Don't count on it - Let me tell you the story of energy independence and politicians.

The OPEC oil embargo in the early seventies is still clear in my memory. I was living in Jacksonville, FL and Venezuela, a communist country, was our main source of oil.  Overnight, our electric bills tripled and getting gas for our cars became a nightmare. That country is still our enemy, even today.
Our other enemy, Iran was still holding hundreds of our fellow Americans as hostages. They were intent, even then, on bringing our economy to its knees. Here's what I recall of the conditions it caused and what the politicians were saying back then.
Many gas stations were closed in America. We were no longer able to plan  a road trip since there might not be an open gas station available along he way. It was a pretty desperate situation. For the first time in our history, America seemed helpless. Countries led by despots and dictators who despised us had brought us to our knees. We all agreed that we had to find a quick way out of that dangerous national crisis.
The people began to ask for “independence from foreign oil”. With its incredible riches, its domestic resources and its proud population, America would have been able to right itself easily - forty years ago! The nation appealed to the politicians to put our country back in order. In a chorus of unanimity they sang, “We must become oil independent”.
What followed was a series of typical clashes between political views. Conservatives immediately turned to the obvious solutions. We would build more nuclear generating plants, and drill for more domestic oil. That made so much sense that we all sang, “Hallelujah” and prepared to free ourselves from our terrible situation.

That happy refrain was interrupted by the predictable chorus of liberal views. Their various vocal groups began humming much different songs - "No, no, no"; "the sky is falling''; "save the Caribou";"save the Spotted Owls”; “save the Snail Darter". And for goodness sake - do not even think about using the oil in Alaska!
America had purchased Alaska for its huge resources. It promised us many decades of resource independence, similar to the way Canada uses the natural riches of its northern provinces. The liberals were demanding that Alaska should be only a refuge that would be primarily for the protection of various species of animals. Conflict ensued. It became more difficult than ever for anything to get done by the warring political factions.
Things got worse. A few years later our embassy in Iran was attacked and all of our people were taken hostage. We could not save our hostages. Our liberal president, who was not a very effective leader ordered a rescue attempt that ended in disaster. His plan was bad because of his dislike for the military and his inability to deal with our military leaders. He had already been considered weak in the eyes of our enemies. It got even worse. The president then began measuring our national temperament on a "Misery Index" and had diagnosed us as having a "malaise". We had become a sorry lot of Americans. There was no effort made toward the oil independence we all wanted.
The coming election brought in a conservative president. The effect on our enemies was immediate. Our hostages were instantly released. That's how long ago it has been since we proved to the Iranians that they should fear our power and our determination. 

Oil-independence, however, was still not possible because of the usual political conflicts. Even a strong, conservative president was powerless without a like-minded majority in both houses. The liberal groups who sing Marxist songs are still out there protecting various animal species while threatening the American economy. Here we are over forty years later and the very same debate continues.

What I think I've learned from all of this is that if we are ever to see oil-independence, we will need a new variety of national leader. He or she will need to have majorities that will provide support by members of both houses. That will mean that voters will have to be sure about the positions held on these issues by the people they elect.

Only a president, given strength in that way, can do anything about the oil-independence thing. With that kind of a mandate, the problem can be handled in the name of "national security". The choruses of whiners would finally be neutralized. The president would establish our oil requirements as a condition of national priority. It would be justified because our economic system, the defense of our nation and our standard of living are all being threatened.

Will our oil situation ever change? Politicians will continue to talk about oil-independence to get the votes;  voters will get all excited about the hope that they really mean it this time - and, guess what?  Whoops! There goes another forty years. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

A Christmas Gift to the World - Partners

I have a different take on China than most people. Almost every other country in the world has worried about China for decades. It is China's population and its very large army that is feared. Many years ago, in our country, famous pilots, Eddie Richenbacher and Billy Mitchell both spoke of the future threat from China. "Beware the yellow hordes". Years later, during the Korean War, General MacArthur lost his job over the fear of China and his desire to destroy their capability to make war against us for a few decades. Having faced the Chinese soldiers in combat, I should also be fearful, but I see a "better than war" opportunity.

China has been enjoying the benefits of capitalism and free trade for quite awhile. Their industrial capability has made them one of the world's wealthiest nations. Yes, they still have a communist regime that controls their people, but their use of capitalistic methods for attaining wealth keeps them deeply involved with all the trading nations in the world. I see a time very soon when China will need our help, just as they have in the past. I believe that the USA can deal with China that will be to our mutual benefit.

Despite their financial successes and their incredible economic growth rate, China will soon have to deal with a lot of difficult things. They are making the transition from being an agrarian society to an industrialized one. We Americans can recognize that from our own history of having to become an industrialized nation. China will not be able to avoid this next predictable evolutionary step.
    They will need to get more workers out of the fields and into the cities where the work is. Just think of what they'll have to look forward to with their very own industrial revolution. There will be the development of labor unions and the associated problems of worker discontent. Remember that before the unions were able to form here, there were incidents of out of control workers in the streets. As China goes through that phase of their history, I think it will keep them very busy. They will therefore, not be spending much time thinking about war. 
In addition to that dilemma, China has another serious problem that they will have to deal with. It is part of their ancient culture. It is an unintended consequence of them being a reverent and respectful society.

This phenomenon is referred to as the "4 to 1" problem. As you know, China has been controlling the birth of girl babies for years. That now gives them a plethora of males, many of them are unemployed. These men must take care of their parents (2) and their grandparents (2) - it's their cultural duty. That's 4 people who each male will have to look after. Without a job, that won't be easy. When they are faced with this difficulty, those men will take to the streets - there could be mayhem. That will keep China busy for even longer. In the past, they believed that by having all of those males, they would always be able to field many soldiers. This is why the world has always feared China - they have such a HUGE army. It's what they've always used to scare the world.
I may be naive, but the way I see it, China will not be fighting any future war with us. If they make that bad decision, they would have to fight a defensive war, i.e. shooting down our satellites, rebuilding lost infrastructure, with loses of food and energy. They use the only tactic they know, to bunch up a lot of soldiers in one place to overwhelm the enemy. They would be easy targets for today's modern weapons. Their large army would be dispatched with little difficulty.

Then there is the most important fact of all. Right now, we here in the USA have a lot of leverage over China. We are its biggest trade partner and debtor. We have become entangled within our mutually beneficial trade practices. If we get lucky enough to be led by a strong president, we could be very persuasive in almost any situation.

The United Nations has failed the world in its mission to maintain peace and discourage adventurous nations. They can depend on member nations to volunteer only small military groups to manage outbreaks. It hasn't ever worked and they have wasted much money and blood with this method. Eventually, those nations who have strong military forces will have to take over the task. Of course, we would still remain a member of the UN and continue to support their humanitarian programs.
My idea is an unusual one, but it could be the answer to the world at peace we all long for. Maybe I'm too much of an idealist, but I'd be willing to bet on this plan. I believe it has a better chance of succeeding than any that the United Nations organization has attempted (think of the wars they sanctioned: Korea, Vietnam).

My idea is based on using America's strengths. Here in the USA, what we do better than anyone else is our technology and our diplomatic know-how. For us to establish a truly secure world I am suggesting an alliance with China. Now, I don't mean trying to get them to become a free nation. Their politics is their business, not ours. I'm suggesting that we pool our massive military forces into one unified army. If Russia and India wanted to join us that would be even better, but it wouldn't be necessary.  

We would negotiate a peace treaty first, insuring both sides of non-aggression. We would then negotiate a united purpose for our joined armed forces - to defend against aggression and to keep the world at peace. I know that it may be difficult, but there must be a way to put these pieces together.
That very powerful bloc of America and China would become the "superpower" that will finally whittle the world's despots and dictators down to size. Radicals and fanatics, just like any other criminal, would be deterred from misbehaving and getting out of line. 

Just think of what that could mean to the weakened European countries, to Israel, the Middle East and to all the other nations of the world. Peace - finally. It would then be all of THEM, the potential war mongers, who would have something to fear. They would have to find a way to behave or face the world’s most massive military force –  China, and their great friend, America.