Friday, April 12, 2013

Politics as Usual - NOT!

Democrats have captured voters for years by dividing them into dependent groups. They then united these groups against a common enemy - the "haves". This assures them of the votes that will keep them in power. That is communism; socialism; statism - by anybody's definition.

This has caused a major change in the political parties. The communists now have their home in the Democrat party; traditionalist conservative Democrats, moderates and so-called RINO's are now in the Republican party. That leaves the remaining traditional conservatives, libertarians and Tea Party members without sufficient representation to ever win another election.

Many are warning the Republican party that they are doomed if they don't reach out to the minority, gender and racial groups in a similar way. Hogwash! In my opinion, there is still one very good way to unify all of those disparate groups. It may very well be the "last chance" conservatives have to get back our beloved America. It will take a creative, formidable plan to pry power out of the hands of any socialist. It can't be politics as usual. 

If I were in the position to do so, I'd suggest a strategy that would change everything. Push aside any thoughts of a third party; do away with the usual way to run an election. This would surprise the opposition and shock the media. It's an idea that would save lots of time and money, as well as providing a way to win and to restore America.

Here's what I would do. The one remaining principle that still unites most of America is patriotism.  There will be no need to identify or to address each group's particular  issue. If a productive America can be restored, everyone will benefit. There will be only one group for us to appeal to - only one - Americans! If we can't get Americans to come together in that way, then we've already lost. Single issues like abortion, immigration, guns, climate, gay marriage and medical care simply cannot be repaired until the country is back to normal - one of growth and prosperity. 

The government will, once again, work as intended by the founders. The size of government will be reduced and power will be returned to the individual states. It is the states who will design the new solutions to resolve our problems - not the Federal government. This is clearly defined by the Constitution and is of benefit to all groups, minority or otherwise.

With my new approach, the Republican party will become a refuge for all who want to see a strong prosperous America. It will identify with those Americans who believe in the founders' original design of this country. It will attract all who want an America free of debt, productive and prosperous once again. Democrats, Libertarians, Republicans, Constitutionalists, members of traditional religions, the Armed Forces, war veterans and the Tea Party - will be enthusiastic about the return of a proud nation. 

I believe that other Americans will join us. There are many who will come from people on welfare, labor unions, academia (students and faculty), as well as the millions of currently unemployed people in the country. Members of any minority group who feel oppressed will be able to understand and to attain the American dream - a real opportunity to work and earn a good life.

I'd make all of the symbols of the party, those that represent patriotism and our heritage. Party meetings will commence with the Pledge of Allegiance. The American Flag will be displayed and honored at every function, including any campaigning. All party principles and statements will be drawn directly from the original documents of America. It will no longer be necessary to "attack" or even to identify the opponent or the other party. All speeches will contain the already written "talking points" drawn from those sacred documents. Wherever possible, direct quotes from our founders will be used.

The music used at rallies and functions will be chosen from the beloved songs of our nation. Already well-established songs, like the National Anthem, God Bless America, America the Beautiful, as well as modern songs like God Bless the USA and the marches of John Philips Sousa like Stars and Stripes Forever will be the music of the party. These are the melodies that have stirred the hearts of Americans for generations.

A new acronym that more clearly defines the party should be adopted. GOP, (Grand Old Party), has no meaning to the voters. I suggest IPR - Indivisible Party of the Republic. The word selected from the American Pledge, and all it connotes, will be a powerful indicator and unifier.

Now here's a whole new way of selecting candidates and running the next election. This method will be an effective way to fend off the expected vast media coverage of the Democrats and save our party millions of dollars.

Much like the conclave used in selecting the Pope, all potential candidates and prominent conservative leaders will be convened. All conservative Governors will make up the majority. This group will select a candidate from within their own ranks, just as was done at the birth of the nation. All patriots - no debates, no convention, no rancor. 

The selected candidate would identify a running mate and seek approval from the conclave. The group would then set about naming those among them who are qualified for every single cabinet position. The concept of a unified team will be the standard. The attendees would then create and sign a "contract with the country". Before adjourning, they will pledge to support the entire contract and established ticket. This will become the new and effective way for the party to present a total package to the American public.

A Sample "Contract"

1 Reduced size of government
2 Lowered corporate tax
3 Repatriate overseas billions
4 A simplified tax system
5 Fuel independence
6 Repaired and protected entitlement programs
7 Consolidation/elimination of ineffective federal programs
8 A strong military at all times
9 A new amendment: The nation's symbols (the flag and the national anthem) will be revered and preserved.  Disrespect or defiling of either would be exceptions in our free expression of political speech.

That's it. The party will have established a complete line-up of professionals, a principled position and a clear direction. The entire package would be announced to the nation before December 2013. The campaign would begin at that point - long before convention or election time. This will provide a huge amount of time to reach the voters while causing some chaos to the Democrats. It will shock the press, the politicians and all of those who are used to the old way of running elections. It may even be a reward for those of us who have lost faith in the "politics as usual" way of doing things.

Yep, that's what I'd do!